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Netflix began its journey towards a microservices architecture in the early 2010s, driven by the need to scale its rapidly growing streaming platform. The move was a gradual evolution rather than a sudden shift, allowing Netflix to carefully manage the transition and learn from each step along the way.

One of the key technologies developed by Netflix during this transition was the NetflixOSS suite, a collection of open-source tools and frameworks designed to support the microservices architecture. Some of the notable components of NetflixOSS include:

**Eureka**: A service registry and discovery tool that helps services find and communicate with each other. Eureka allows services to dynamically discover each other's locations without hardcoding service locations.

**Hystrix**: A latency and fault tolerance library designed to isolate points of access to remote systems, services, and third-party libraries, preventing cascading failures and providing fallback options.

**Ribbon**: A client-side load balancing library that works seamlessly with Eureka to distribute the load across multiple instances of a service.

**Zuul**: An edge service that provides dynamic routing, monitoring, resiliency, security, and more. Zuul acts as the front door for all requests from devices and web apps to the backend services.

**Archaius**: A configuration management library that provides dynamic configuration properties for applications. It allows applications to adapt to configuration changes without requiring a restart.

**Atlas**: A monitoring and alerting system designed for cloud-scale monitoring. Atlas provides real-time visibility into the performance of the Netflix platform.

These technologies, along with others in the NetflixOSS suite, played a crucial role in enabling Netflix's transition to a microservices architecture. They provided the foundational building blocks that allowed Netflix to build and operate a highly scalable, resilient, and flexible streaming platform.

Netflix's move to microservices and the development of these technologies have been widely influential in the software industry, inspiring many other companies to adopt similar approaches to building and scaling their own services.

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