The Golden Ratio has become a magical number in mathematics and pop culture. A number associated with mystical standards such as music frequency. The current base frequency used in music is 440Hz. According to mystics the natural frequency is 432Hz which resonates in the cochlea of the ear which itself is designed around the Fibonacci Spiral which is based on the Golden Ratio. If it is correct then why are not advertisers playing music tuned to 432Hz? They indeed are with the hope of mesmerizing listeners into buying another set of Ginzu knives.
Web Developers are familiar with web page layouts based on the Golden Ratio. It is a naturally occuring number and when the eyes detect it, the brain receiving impulses that make the user feel more at home and open to suggestions.
What is the driver behind Crypto Currency? Is it not Alchemy? Changing straw into Gold was an objective of Merlin and historical occultists. The Merlin of today is a billionaire tech magician looking to do exactly the same thing. Convert straw into digital gold. The more things change the more they stay the same.
Is social media not Feudalism? An unknown Lord allocates advertising dollars to share content creators who push their limits to be knighted and invited to sit at the Duke's table. There is a reason Feudalism disappeared. The reason is that peasants learned to re-purpose their pitchforks.
For sure traces of the occult can be found in modern tech industries today. However, you do not need an Initiated IT Consultant of the 32nd Degree to meet your tech needs. You just need one that works hard for you.